1. Boomerang Serena And Norton Part 2

    Date: 1/17/2016, Categories: Fantasy & Sci-Fi, Author: LeanAngle, Source: LushStories

    ... causes Serena to think it is mostly to protect Bill Norton from lawsuits. Serena initials as indicated and signs each of the pages. Upon completion, Clarence places copies in a folder and hands them to her saying, “We will also send you photocopies of the signed documents.” Clarence places the originals in his briefcase and says to Bill, “Sir, if you have no further need for my services I shall return to my office, I do have other work to complete.” After he leaves Bill tells Serena, “Clarence is most efficient, I know he is curt but, he has been with me for over fifteen years and has an impeccable record.” Serena is still trying to comprehend the scope of Bill Norton’s holdings, “I had no idea you had such an estate, did you build all this yourself?” Bill chuckles, “Do I appear that old? It was built at the end of the nineteenth century. My grandparents purchased the estate and it was updated by my parents. They are all deceased.” Serena next asks, “About the motorcycle on your card, is that your company?” Bill laughs, “Oh, heavens no, it’s just an icon, I don’t even ride the machines,” then he says with a more serious look, “We shall now adjourn to the lower level where our business deal can be consummated.” Serena felt a small shiver which wasn’t caused by low temperatures as they walked down a long corridor to enter an antique elevator. The expanding grid door slid creaked slightly as it closed. The view of a cold concrete shaft wall did not reassure her as they slowly ...
    ... descended two levels. And a bump that halted the ride jarring Serena enough to give her a feeling of helplessness. Serena realized no one outside of this place knew where she had gone. Bill offered his arm, “Shall we?” They walked down another corridor with poor lighting and more cold concrete walls that echoed each step. Serena noticed a faint but vaguely familiar odor, something like a new car smell and silently wondered might emit such a fragrance in an old building. She noticed several heavy framed closed doors as they approached the only open door which had bright light streaming into the hall. Bill placed his hand in the small of Serena’s back gently steering her into the room, “And here we are. Welcome to the most secret research and development facility our company owns,” Bill was expressing a pride in this large room. A chilled Serena glanced about noticing it had the atmosphere of a hospital operating room. There were many devices she did not recognize and covered carts big enough to hold any supine individual. Goose bumps raised on her arms and she felt a tightening in her chest like her breathing was becoming difficult. A curtained partition blocked her view of more and the combination struck a fear into Serena that became very obvious when she stopped cold. Bill did not expect her braking and in taking another step he was half turned around by Serena planting her feet and coming to a halt. Seeing the look of fear Bill smiled and gave a reassuring look, “Relax, you ...