1. The Shepherd and the Gentleman (first draft) (from

    Date: 1/13/2016, Categories: First Time Gay Male, Author: pluxkuba, Source: xHamster

    ... once again the wine, with evident delight and calmness and then placing it in the table. Laurindo took the cigarette pack and placed it there too, - You can open that pack, if you want, but I have here in this box some special cigarettes I bought in Lisbon before I came back. I rolled them myself, they taste a bit funny sometimes but they are pretty good. Which ones do you prefer? - To given horse one cannot be fussy, Daniel answered smiling, showing his straight teeth that maybe needed to be flossed and brushed. Yous choose, sir. - There you go again, lad! I do not like that treatment. We are two men alone trying to warm their carcasses after a deluge, and it is nice to be here in front of the fire. Promise you call me Laurindo, and that's enough, yes? Daniel once again tilted his head affirmatively. Laurindo lit one of those cigarettes from the box, the fire coming on its tip like a red firefly, taking a drag that he inhaled deeply. His hand went on Daniel's direction and his fingers picked the thin but long rolled cigarette, touching the other's fingers. It was real good that small touch and he shivered. - I told you, you will catch your death, and me too... You can taste better that ciggy if you swallow the smoke into your lungs, promise... Another 'magic' cigarette was lit and deeply absorbed. He took an ashtray from underneath the little table where he put the cigarette. Then he decided that was time to warm up; and not care for the young man besides him in the sofa; ...
    ... no need to be nice, he was in his house. His large hands retired the boots from his feet, schlaping away, which made him smile, one at the time and threw them behind him, and followed the wet socks, plash. The leather belt opened, and he unbuttoned the trousers carelessly, not noticing the lad was transfixed on his hairless torso and the hands starting to take off the trousers and sucking on that 'magic' thing he had in his mouth, deeply as he had advised. It was bitter that tobacco, but Daniel didn't think it was that special. He felt the smoke invade his lungs, once, twice. He turned his head to the fire and took another deep drag, and then more wine. He heard the trousers collapse behind the man's sofa, but he didn't turn his eyes. He could glimpse in the corner of the eye that older man take his long white boxer shorts, and the ritual of sending clothes up in the air repeated itself. He could see the man was stark naked but didn't have courage to look. He took the wine glass, without turning his head, and gulped more, and the cigarette was sucked rapidly into the deep of his breathing, and it was almost finished! Laurindo was drying his black hair with slow movements with the black towel; Daniel could see it covering his head and face, and turned his head slightly discovering that the man's cock was half erect, its head didn't have any skin over! The hands movements accelerated and he sighed once again mumbling something not understandable. Daniel obviously started making ...