1. A Mother and Son's Love Turns A Corner #2

    Date: 12/26/2015, Categories: First Time Taboo Voyeur, Author: HankWilliams1956, Source: xHamster

    ... down onto the other's butt, which is when I found she had no pantys on under her gown and house coat, cause of no waist band that one would feel, had she had pantys on. With mom rubbing my cock and my ass and me rubbing and squeezing her tits, first one then the other, pinching her nipples each time I gave them a squeeze, as well as rubbing her butt, mother finally broke the kiss off, looked into my eyes for just a second, then she said, &#034We better stop or, I may forget, that I'm your mother, and your my son, and I'm, a married woman, to your dad.&#034 between breaths, we were breathing so heavy. While I was jacking off thinking about it and about how good mom felt in my arms and hands, then my bedroom door opened up, and in steps mom, stopping after she had taken two more steps into my room, &#034I'm so sorry son... I was coming in,.. to wake you up... Breakfast is on the table... Damn that cock of your's... Looks so damn good.&#034 then she turned and walked out, closing the door behind her, but looking back at me at the same time as she closed the door. When I finished, I got out of bed, put on my pj bottoms, that I had on last night, went to the bathroom, then down to the kitchen to find mom putting our breakfast on the table. Mom sat down at the table as I pushed the chair in as she beent her knees, then I sat down next to her, like we usually did anytime we sat down to eat a meal. We made small talk while we ate our breakfast, then when we finished eating, mother ...
    ... got up and poured us both a cup of coffee, as I took our empty plates to the sink and rinsed them out and put them in the dishwasher. After we took a drink of our coffee and sat our cups down, I felt mother put a hand on my thigh, next to my groin and ask, &#034I'm sorry for barging in on you this morning, and after thinking about it last night, I'm sorry for letting things go to far, just a little to much lastnight.&#034 &#034No mom, do not think that at all. You are a lonly woman with needs and I'm a lonly man with needs too. Besides, I love you and I want you to be happy, and I want to take care of your needs and I would love for you to take care of my needs, because you are the one I want to be with. I wish so much of the time, that we were not mother and son, but husband and wife.&#034 &#034Oh my... Wow... I am lost for words now. I mean, I love you too. What brought all this on? Did I do something wrong, for you to feel that way?&#034 &#034Let's see, you brought me into this world with dad's help, by making me, you raised me by teaching me right and wrong, you took care of me when I was sick or just down and out, cause dad was to buisy to do something with me, you even fed me when I was hungry, I'm not sure if I finished the list or not, but if what I did say is all wrong, then that is where you went wrong.&#034 &#034You have a point there. But it doesn't tell me when you started wishing I was your wife, and not your mother.&#034 &#034I relly do not remember how far back ...