1. Horseplay

    Date: 12/21/2015, Categories: Lesbian Author: monica3, Source: LushStories

    ... nevertheless. She kissed me, stood and I could see her more clearly in her jodhpurs, boots and Barbour. Then I threw up in a rather spectacular manner and passed out again. I had no idea what time it was when I next knew what was going on. Vicky was sitting on the bed at my feet reading a paper. A nurse was shoving something in my ear and a blood pressure band was tightening around my upper left arm. The other arm was screaming blue murder. ‘Ah, back with us are you?’ I took in my surroundings as the nurse continued. ‘We think you’re concussed and you’ve definitely bust your upper right arm. The doc’s sending you for a head scan to make sure it’s nothing worse, then an x ray for your arm and theatre later.’ ‘My Fair Lady?’ That was Vicky from the foot of the bed. I asked, ‘Can you do something about the pain?’ ‘As soon as the doctor says it’s okay, yes.’ ‘I meant the one at the end of the bed.’ Vicky guffawed in her best upper class school manner. ‘You puked all over my riding boots.’ Once in hospital you become part of a system. The trolley I was on was pushed hither and thither, I was shoved through a large metal doughnut, photographed by a jolly woman wearing a blue apron and a badge that announced her name as Verity. ‘Nasty break,’ she opined cheerfully, staring at the x ray. ‘Not to worry, right as rain in no time. Bye for now.’ Then I was wheeled to a ward where Vicky was sitting comfortably in a chair still reading her paper. She looked up and watched as I was hefted ...
    ... onto the bed. She pulled her chair alongside the bed and ran her hand over my forehead. ‘My god, you’re wearing a bugger's nighty.’ She laughed, referring to the inevitable hospital backless gown. ‘I swear they only do that to humiliate you. Good job your arse wasn’t like it was a couple of weeks ago. They’d be doing me for domestic violence.’ I hadn’t thought of that. The nurse came back accompanied by a woman in a long white coat, stethoscope traditionally wrapped about her neck. ‘Your head’s fine. The arm’s a bit of a mess and we’ll be seeing to that this afternoon. Good job you hurt yourself so early this morning or you’d have had to wait until tomorrow.’ How comforting. ‘Smashing bruise on your bum, looks like someone took a cricket bat to it.’ ‘That’s what a fence post can do you for you,’ said Vicky helpfully. The doctor and nurse left. ‘While your being fixed I’ll go home, change and feed the animals then I’ll be back here before you are, so don’t worry. Want anything from home?’ ‘Could you shoot Pansy please?’ I was operated on at four that afternoon. Vicky was there to greet me when they wheeled me back to my bed although I was a bit drowsy and far from good company. She promised to come in the morning to take me home. The nurse came in as we were kissing goodbye. ‘Sorry to intrude.’ Vicky didn’t stop kissing me for a while then, when she did, she said, ‘No problem. Just saying goodnight to my Hausfrau here.’ Turning back to me. ‘Bye darling. I’ll bring some clothes ...