1. Secret, Saintly Schoolgirl Love

    Date: 4/25/2024, Categories: Lesbian Author: KathrynLocksley, Source: LushStories

    ... could make Hannah's bump stand out a little farther, which seemed to cause an even more powerful reaction as I touched it.
    “It’s going to…” she squeaked, between suddenly faster, shallower breaths, lifting her head to bury her face in my shoulder. “I’m going to… I’m… I’m—”
    She yelped, her legs clamped shudderingly tighter around me, and all the air in her lungs seemed to force its way out faster than her voice could handle it, extending that yelp into a whine like a kettle.
    She still clung tightly to my shoulder while she caught her breath, as if she wasn’t quite ready to face anything else after that moment, including me.
    Her grip tightened, and she made another involuntary-sounding vocalization, as I slid my finger out of her, as delicately as I could.
    “Thank you,” I whispered, wrapping my arm under her head for her to rest on. “Thank you so much for sharing that with me.”
    She mumbled something into my cardigan.
    “What?” I asked.
    “Your turn,” she repeated, just a smidge clearer.
    I hadn’t even consciously noted the moment when her hand had paused under my skirt. I was too caught up in watching the results of my own efforts. When she started up again, there was a flash of sensation as powerful as the very first one. I had to lower the arm I’d put around her just to steady myself as it spread through me.
    She got her rhythm back quickly.
    With something to do, something to focus on other than her own secrets on display, Hannah lowered her head ...
    ... back to the floor, and smiled.
    Each time her thumb slid over my bump, the fluttery feeling it left behind was a little bit slower to fade, until the flutters were stacking on top of each other, each fresh one on the tail of the last. The stack built up higher and higher, and in no time at all it was teetering like a Jenga tower ready to give.
    Maybe I’d been holding back before, unconsciously wanting to be the first to bring her to that big finish (which I’d also hoped was not a unique weirdness of mine).
    Now that I’d done it, now that I had no excuse to give less than my full attention to the incredible gift Hannah was giving me, it was hard to believe that I’d been able to draw this out as long as I had.
    I usually held off for as long as I could stand it before touching myself this way, partly to ration out my risk of getting caught, and partly out of fear of the weirdness of my habit, and the strength of the hold it had on me.
    It was about a week and a half since last time I’d snuck a touch. I was only a few days away from the point where I would usually crack. And those furtive touches in the dormitory in the middle of the night, spaced out so carefully to sound like I was just shifting in my sleep, in case anyone else was still lying awake, those were nothing like this.
    Feeling Hannah’s living, breathing body moving under mine, her eyes fixed upward to watch her effect on me, her silky soft thumb tip gliding knowingly over and over that secret bump in a way ...