1. Weak in the Knees Ch. 03

    Date: 4/7/2024, Categories: Gay Male, Author: byjroseemi, Source: Literotica

    ... smiled weakly, "Is it that obvious?"
    "Not to everyone, no, but I recognize the look," Zach explained. "Kali had it on her face a lot. She called it 'Richie Rich Shenanigans', which really isn't a bad description of it. I know it can all seem a little out there for regular people."
    "I've just never been exposed to this much unmitigated gall. How rich does someone have to be to not give a shit about social norms this much?" Diego asked quietly.
    Zach gave an apologetic smile. "I think sometimes social norms are different depending on how much money you have. What is acceptable in High Society is different from what the middle class and the working class views as acceptable. Buying your way out of problems, for instance, is the norm in my world. I'm sure someone from the working class can't do that though.
    "Morals differ depending on class too. Sometimes I think being part of the queer community, or being in an open relationship is more acceptable in lower classes, whereas in my society, it's highly frowned upon. That doesn't mean we don't push that envelope or anything, but it gets talked about a lot, you know? I get it's jarring though. Kali always said it was, especially when she was the one being gossiped about."
    The look on Zach's face became sincere as he added, "You never have to socialize with us if it makes you uncomfortable. It's not part of your work responsibilities or anything."
    Diego blushed a little and looked away briefly, subconsciously ...
    ... checking on Nadya as a distraction, "I don't mind. It just takes some getting used to."
    "I promise, we're not all completely out of touch with reality," Zach said, shining one his characteristic smiles that seemed to light up the room. "Just most of us."
    Diego smiled back. "That Daniel guy really needs a reality check, though. He's going to catch a case at some point."
    Zach's eyes shifted over to where Daniel was, a frown furrowing his eyebrows. "Or a fist, yes. Though he's taken one of those to his face before and it hasn't changed him much. It was damn satisfying though. Luckily, he'll probably leave you alone knowing you have no interest in his shit. And once you finish your schooling, you can mostly leave people like Daniel behind, other than as parents of students."
    Diego winced. "Not really. This country is growing an ever-widening divide between people in your position and people in mine and sticking closer to the rich is the best way to survive it, honestly. Whether I like it or not, even with my degree I will have to deal with the culture we find ourselves in, so it's best that I try to understand it."
    "Ah, thus working for people in my position, then?" Zach asked with a raised eyebrow, but his lips were trying hard not to turn into a smirk.
    Diego's face expressed his automatic internal response that he felt that the question was ridiculous and redundant before it dawned on him that Zach was playing with him. He playfully smacked Zach on the arm before ...