1. The Family BBC - Chapter 7

    Date: 3/26/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Black, Cheating Cuckold, Interracial, Male Domination, Non-consensual sex Reluctance Written by women Author: DiscipleN, Source: sexstories.com

    ... they were twerking his until I pulled away, grimacing from little stabs of pain.
    "That felt pretty good, didn't it?"
    "I'm still sore."
    He kept groping my ass. "I know how long it takes before you're ready for another go."
    "My children will be home soon." Ridley was probably racing home. Peg would dawdle.
    "Then there's no time to waste." He moved away but kept one hand on my butt. It pushed me into the hallway. I assumed his promise meant nothing when he prodded me down the hall and into my bedroom. He even locked the door behind him.
    I stood still, dreading likely abuse.
    Leland went to my closet and opened it.
    My heart started beating again when he riffled through the hanging garments. He was solely intent on finding something more celebratory for me to wear.
    "This." He pulled out a light purple, low cut top with frills around the collar. he took out the hanger and tossed it to me. Turning back to the closet, he asked. 'Are all your pants in here?"
    "I have shorts in the bottom dresser drawer." I unbuttoned the manish shirt I was wearing. He went to the dresser and pawed through the shorts in there. "You need shorter shorts." It was not a request.
    He stopped me when I was pushing an arm into the top he'd chosen. "Un-uh." He shook his head. "Take off the bra."
    "What? It's my son's birthday!" I felt some power to resist.
    "Yeah, well he's turning fourteen today. Boys that age are thinking of girls, and a good mom should act like it's ...
    ... okay to live less puritanically." That was a large word for Leland's vocabulary. I considered he, like many African-Americans, had a Protestant upbringing, some more severe than others. I also remembered that he didn't swear monotheistically.
    "This top is too revealing without a bra."
    He snorted. "It's almost a granny shirt." Our perspectives couldn't have been more different. "At least it's not a man's shirt. And it's a fine color for a party." He returned to the closet, leaving the bottom drawer open.
    I looked down at my protruding cups and told myself, Ridley was too young to notice or care if his old mother wore a lumpy shirt. I took off my bra and donned the shirt, raveling up the back a little and tucking it into my panties to reduce its neckline.
    Leland brought a knee length skirt. I had shorter ones for going out dancing, but I suspected he had picked this one for its colorful, flower print. "This will be fun." He judged my body language. "But you don't seem to have a party mood." He frowned. "How's a kid to enjoy his birthday when his mom is acting like a sourpuss?"
    "You know why I'm like this." I contested.
    "Ooo, if it wasn't a special day for your family." His expression darkened. "You'll have to fake it, like every other mom in the world." I suspected a psychologist could earn multiple Ph'Ds writing papers about Leland's psyche, especially Freudian shrinks.
    I took the skirt.
    His brief anger brightened. "Hey, I know a trick." His patent grin ...