1. Awaking Stepmom Ch. 06

    Date: 3/24/2024, Categories: Incest Fantasy, Author: djmiles, Source: LushStories

    Chapter One
    Monica crossed her arms as she leaned back against the stove. Her foot tapped on the wood floor as she drained the last sip of red wine from her glass and couldn’t stop herself from staring at the clock on the microwave.
    3:48 pm. Where is Matt? He should have been home an hour ago, she thought. Monica wasn’t worried at first. Matt was always late without calling after school. He’d hang out with his friends or go out to eat.Maybe he is with that Stephanie girl. Are they dating? Maybe he’s fucking her. Does he think she’s prettier than me?
    Without realizing it, Monica had found the open wine bottle on the counter behind her and tipped it upside down into her glass. It was early for her to be drinking, but between Matt taking his time coming home and her husband due home for his extended work trip at any minute, she figured carrying a buzz throughout the evening wouldn’t be too bad. She rolled her eyes at the thought of Todd coming home. She had been able to ignore his more annoying quirks for years somehow, then, for some reason, over the past weeks, his lazy, inconsiderate, and selfish attributes were highlighted.
    The way he talked to her, the way he just extended his trip without telling her. The way he treated her and made her take care of everything around the house. A splash of wine spilled as she drank and dripped down her bare breast to her line of cleavage. She wore a thin, black, low-cut shirt that reached down close to her nipples. The loose ...
    ... bottom was tied up above her belly button. She wore short shorts that she hadn’t worn in years just because she knew Matt would love them.
    Was Stephanie wearing short shorts? Did Matt think that skinny bitch was sexier than me?
    Monica shook her head as she swiped at the dribble of wine, making her breasts jiggle as she slapped at it.
    Why do I care about what some eighteen-year-old skank is wearing or doing with my son?
    She sipped her wine again and realized she had just finished the glass and the bottle of wine. She felt the heat of the alcohol warm her cheeks.
    Maybe I’ll just call his cell… see where Matt is…
    Just then, the door clicked open, and Monica held her breath, looking to see which man it was. Matt stumbled in from the side door leading to the kitchen and seemed lost in a stare at nothing in particular. It wasn’t until much later, when Monica sobered up, that she realized he looked worried about something.
    “Matt, honey, there you are!” Monica sang and brightened immediately.
    “Oh, uh, h-hey Mom,” he stuttered, and even more color drained from his face. Before he got another word out, she seized him in a hug, cupping his cheek to her chest.
    “Where have you been? I thought you’d be home a while ago. Mmmm… You’re so warm! Are sweaty?”
    Matt straightened and, for the first time in all of Monica’s memory, pulled away.
    “Are you feeling alright?” she asked, perplexed by his strange behavior.
    “Yeah, just, you know a little out of it,” he ...