1. Matt and Jason Ch. 06

    Date: 2/12/2024, Categories: Gay Male, Author: byAtlantisGuy, Source: Literotica

    ... finally slowed down long enough to say something coherent. "Oh, seriously man, this is fucking incredible! Sorry--I had no idea you could cook like this!"
    "Thanks," I beamed. "Glad you like it!"
    "So, what prompted this?"
    "Well... no, it's just... nothing. Just leave it, it will sound stupid."
    Matt laugh-scoffed. "Dude. C'mon. Tell me."
    I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Just don't... you know, laugh. Well. Since you're all hepped up for the Ancient Greek documentary, I thought I'd make us some Greek food. The problem is, I'm okay in the kitchen, but no chef. And I've never made anything Greek, or know much about the food. And, there's really no one to ask. So, I--again, don't laugh--I went to the library down the street. And, you know... asked the reference librarian. An older lady who kinda reminded me of my mom. Told her I was trying to impress a date. And she..." at this part, I was feeling embarrassed and started fidgeting. "Well, looked me up and down, and decide she was going to make me her mission. Went through a whole bunch of cookbooks with me to find the perfect meal idea, and set me up with a library card so I could check them out. And she kept giving me all these pointers. I knew I couldn't remember them all, so I grabbed a Post-It pad from her desk and started writing everything down. I just kinda... wanted it to be, you know, special. For you. You've been talking about this documentary like forever, and I didn't want to fuck things up."
    Matt just sat ...
    ... there. Looking at me. Not even blinking. I started to think that I messed up somehow. Maybe made something he was allergic to... I don't know. He looked over into my kitchen, seeing a cookbook propped open. Dishes everywhere. And a blizzard of Post-It notes hanging all over my cupboards.
    He looked back at me. Then just looked down.
    I worried I had gone over the top. "Sorry man, God this all sounds so lame now that I've said it. I just thought...."
    "Alicia never so much as made me a birthday cake," he cut me off quietly. "Huh?"
    "Started our first year together. My birthday. I teased her about making some big fancy cake. She got offended. There was hell to pay. Me demeaning her, I guess."
    "Oh... shit man, that sucks. If it helps... I'm not Alicia. And I'd fucking beat the shit out of anyone who treated you like that."
    Matt just looked down for a long time. I didn't know what else to say. Then, he shot right out of his chair, surprising me. He violently pushed the table out of the way, knocking a bunch of shit over. I gaped, staring at him. With steely determination, he walked over to me, took my head in both his hands, leaned in, and gave me a monster kiss. Deep and soulful. Almost tipping me back out of my chair and onto the floor.
    It was... nice.
    I was just settling into his kiss, when I felt his hands swing downward. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head as I realized he was undoing my belt buckle and wrenching my pants open. In two quick jerks he hauled ...