1. The Horny Heist

    Date: 12/12/2023, Categories: Fiction Authoritarian, Male/Female Non-consensual sex Author: GideonBard, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the first second she stirred, the bait too seductive to forsake. As Eric's hand glides softly and sensually up Sarah's leg, a shiver of pleasure tingles through her dreamy body. She feels the heat of the room intensify the sensory experience, making her skin more receptive to the tantalizing touch.
    The warmth radiating from Sarah's leg beckons Eric's exploration, and he begins to notice the subtle reactions of her body. Sarah, enjoying the sensuality of his touch, is brought into a lucid dream state where her physical body can no longer maintain her composure.
    As Sarah lies in slumber, her mind begins to wander, weaving vivid images of her beloved husband. Her thoughts intertwine with her body's desires, invoking a sensation that courses through her veins like a delicate flame, awakening her senses. In the realm of her dreams, his touch becomes palpable, each caress a tantalizing dance upon her skin.
    Involuntarily her body vocalizes her desire with a soft moan of pleasure and a peaceful expression. Eric's fingers, as if dancing with the rhythm of desire, graze against Sarah's silky skin, sending waves of sensation coursing through her. She inhales deeply, attempting to steady her breath and unable to conceal the growing anticipation she feels.
    His touch becomes more deliberate, tracing delicate circles and teasing strokes along the contours of her leg. Each caress ignites a fire within Sarah, her body yearning for more while her mind silently pleads for ...
    ... restraint. She revels in the slumberland torture, her body betraying her by responding to every stroke with a subtle arch or a quivering muscle.
    In Sarah’s dream, the warmth of his hand glides along the curve of her body, leaving trails of goosebumps in its wake. Soft whispers of affection tickle her ear, arousing a symphony of longing within her. His lips, gentle yet demanding, brush against hers, igniting an inferno that consumes her entirely.
    Eric continues his exploration, his fingertips acting as conduits of pleasure. The softness of her skin, the gentle pressure he applies, and the measured rhythm of his touch combine to create a symphony of sensuality that reverberates through both of them.
    Sarah's heartbeat quickens, her senses heightened by the secret thrill of the forbidden. Every gentle stroke of Eric's hand heightens her pleasure, As Eric's hand continues its enchanting journey, it glides upwards, moving towards Sarah's inner thigh. His touch, delicate yet purposeful, stirs a mix of anticipation and longing within her. Sarah's heart races, her breaths becoming shallower.
    Eric's fingertips trace the contours of Sarah's inner thigh, teasingly brushing against the edge of her boundaries. A soft gasp escapes her lips, the first audible sign of her mounting pleasure. Every move sends pulses of electric sensation surging through Sarah's body. Her eyes flutter, and her body yearns for his touch to venture further, to grant her the forbidden ecstasy she craves,
    As ...