1. Crescent City Secrets - Chapters 22&23

    Date: 10/15/2017, Categories: Hardcore Author: KateandJessica, Source: xHamster

    ... couldn't hide the shock on her face. “Hi. Terra. What are you doing here? How do you even know where I live?” The petite redhead was dressed down so much that Haden barely recognized her. She was in a t-shirt and slim fit jeans that hugged her hips down low. Her hair was back in a simple pony tail. It was a total transformation. Terra had a demure look on her face and she gave Haden a tiny shrug. “It's a long story. Can I come in?” “Um. Sure.” Haden e****ted her in, feeling awkward about not having underwear on and still feeling a thick wetness between her legs. She was suddenly sure that Terra would be able to smell her. “Let's go sit in the kitchen. Would you like something to drink? A beer?” “Tea if you have it.” The two made their way to the kitchen table. If Terra had any clue what Haden had been doing, she didn't show it. “So, what's going on, Terra?” Haden poured out a big glass of iced tea and then popped open a beer for herself. She didn't drink beer often, but it seemed to fit the moment. Terra folded her hands into her lap and stared at her feet. “First, I need to apologize. I kind of stalked you to find out where you live. Turns out there aren't many women named Haden who are also chocolatiers.” “How did you know I was a chocolatier?” Haden bristled at Terra's use of the word stalk, but she kept her reaction muted. “You mentioned it the other night at the bar. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you but I didn't want to ask Jules for your number or for her to know ...
    ... that I was going to talk to you.” “Why?” “I love Jules. She's one of my best friends, really. But she's also really judgmental about some of my beliefs. You and I would have both gotten an earful of snarky, sarcastic comments and I just didn't want to deal with that.” “Your beliefs?” “I'm a Wiccan. I'm sensitive to a lot of things. I think I'm a little psychic or at least I might be. But I tend to have really strong visions when I meditate. I think there are a lot of things in this world that are beyond science that we sometimes tap into. It's one of the reasons I moved to New Orleans.” As she spoke, Terra had become more animated and Haden could see that the girl's spiritual beliefs were a big part of her identity. “New Orleans is full of magic,” Terra said with a twinkle in her eye. Haden gave her a sympathetic knowledge. “Can't say I'm much of a believer in the supernatural. I grew up in a pretty strict Christian home. These days, well, I won't say I'm an atheist, but I'm pretty damn close.” She shrugged, “But what do your beliefs have to do with coming to see me?” “I've had some visions about you,” Terra said it as though she were revealing ancient secrets to Haden. Her green eyes were wide. Originally, Haden had thought that Terra was the roughly the same age as she and Jules, her late twenties. Now she thought that Terra was younger, her early twenties. There was something resembling innocence in her eyes that hadn't been snuffed out yet. Haden decided to take the girl ...