1. Jennifer

    Date: 3/12/2017, Categories: BDSM Fetish, Hardcore Author: nunmoreblack, Source: xHamster

    ... cigarettes down Bitch. Let’s time you and see.” Tammy waited until Jennifer was ready for new cigarettes, then she placed them and timed Jennifer as she lit her up. “Not too shabby Bitch. It only took you three minutes to smoke six cigarettes. You body is being super loaded with nicotine, and I think that I now control your spirit.” Jennifer moaned softly as if in reply to Tammy. The two women sat and smoked like this for the next hour. Jennifer had smoked six packages of cigarettes and four cigars in that time. Her body was at the end of its tolerance level for nicotine. Any more nicotine and her body would revolt with uncontrollable vomiting, shaking and possibly death. When Tammy unhooked Jennifer from the candelabrum, Jennifer’s inhales did not get deeper nor did they increase. Tammy unhooked Jennifer’s ball gag and freed her mouth. “Get some sl**p Bitch, you look wasted.” With that, Tammy left Jennifer strapped to the chair as she left the room. Jennifer collapsed and allowed blackness to cover her mind. “Get up Bitch.” Was Tammy’s gentle way of rousing Jennifer from her deep sl**p. Jennifer had only slept for one hour, but that was long enough for Tammy’s purpose. Jennifer slowly opened her eyes and tried to figure out how long she had been u*********s for. She did not feel rested, but without a watch she had no way of knowing exactly. Her body was starting to cramp again. Oh no, I am hooked thought Jennifer as she smelled Tammy’s freshly lit cigarette. The smell did ...
    ... not repulse her, but it was familiar. Tammy walked over to Jennifer and changed the configuration of the chains on one of her arms. Jennifer moved her arm as soon as it was free. She could now touch her face and the table before the restraints kicked in. Jennifer did not know why Tammy had done this, but she knew that there had to be a method to her madness. “How long was I asl**p?” inquired Jennifer “About nine hours why?” replied Tammy “I just wanted to know. What day is it?” “Enough questions Bitch. Shut and maybe I won’t be pissed at you.” Nine hours, that sucked. After nine hours without nicotine her body was starting to give her withdrawal symptoms. Tammy looked over at Jennifer. “You look like your having a nic fit Bitch. Why don’t you just ask me for a smoke. I will let you have one, and I will let you smoke like normal people, you know, one at a time and with a filter.” Jennifer said nothing as she stared into space. Her mind was going over all of her options. If I do take a cigarette she will have one and she would have beaten me into a smoker. I don’t want this, but a cigarette might make my body go back to feeling normal. If I don’t take a cigarette of my own free will she will surely hook me up again and f***e me to smoke. This will make my body feel normal, but I can’t keep up that pace. “How about it Bitch, do you want a smoke? Asked Tammy again. Jennifer nodded yes, and with that Tammy got up from her chair and moved over to the chair beside Jennifer. “Here ...