1. Retired - Chapter Ten – Wedding

    Date: 1/16/2017, Categories: Science-Fiction, Author: Brootforce, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the unbelievable gaudiness. “How are we handling security?,” I asked Angel, as she stood beside me. “I have the two silver units forming our security wall around the palace. There is also a full battalion of the Space Rangers making patrols throughout the local area. Everyone is carrying sniffers.” “What is the report system?” “At random intervals, between one and seven minutes, computer call out, one minute to answer.” I nodded to myself. Between the Silver units and the Space Rangers, we would be as secure as we could make it. “Drake, there is something I think you should know. I could get in a lot of trouble for telling you this. His majesty has figured out how to release you from your PG oath. He has already signed the paperwork. He said he wants you in the line of succession.” “Why would he want me there so badly?” “He wants someone he trusts on the throne if anything happens. He trusts you further than anyone he knows.” I let it go at that point. If I did my job, I would never have to worry about sitting on the throne. What an amazing incentive to do your job correctly. ********* The time had finally arrived. I stood in front of my mirror in my full dress uniform, with my medals on full display. I hated this suit. I looked like a walking memorial wall. The rank insignia on my collar sparkled in the light. It was a cluster of five diamond shapes in a circle surrounding a single pentagon. The only concession to the occasion was the single white flower in my lapel. I had ...
    ... chosen not to wear my weapons. This was a wedding and no man should approach his wedding under arms. I stepped out of our room, and a full honor guard formed up around me. I would be escorted by a team of officers from the various branches of the military. I was led out the front door to the palace, where a military limousine was waiting. This would take me from the living area to the throne hall. Once there, I moved onto the front steps of the building and waited. I did not have to wait long. A grand carriage pulled by six blaze-white horses moved towards me. In the carriage were Lizell and her parents. I could not believe the expense the emperor had assumed. The carriage was custom made. It was all white, lacquered, and trimmed in gold. The horses where bridled in the same blaze-white and gold trim. Even their hooves had been painted gold for the occasion. The carriage pulled in front of the steps and two of my honor guard stepped towards it. They opened the door and Lizell’s parents stepped out. They stood to each side and Lizell stepped out after them. She wore a dress of pure silk and lace. I was nearly struck blind by the beauty of the woman before me. Her father took her arm and then her mother took mine. We were led into the throne room. The crowd in the throne room was flabbergasting. The uniformed soldiers and Praetorian Guard sat on one side, while the nobles and Lizell’s family sat on the other. Even the girls of Momma Kita’s were in attendance. Robert had found ...