1. A cheating husbands Revenge (Part 1)

    Date: 1/9/2017, Categories: Hardcore Mature Voyeur, Author: magas911, Source: xHamster

    ... husband from her angle. Megan looked over at Robert and said. “My husband just walked in here with a blonde woman and they are sitting right up there.” She was careful not to make herself too obvious when she pointed out where they were sitting. Robert looked up and smiled and said. “Do you think you should walk up and say, Hello?” Megan whispered and said. “She’s problebly a client and maybe I shouldn’t disturb him right now. Besides. I would have to explain whom I’m having lunch with.” Megan noticed the woman was wearing a tight black dress and watched as the waiter brought their drinks. She kept an eye on them as she ate her lunch and noticed her husband was doing most of the talking as the woman smiled. Robert laughed and said. “Maybe you should walk up there and see who she is before you get the wrong idea.” It didn’t even take that for Megan to find out something was up when she saw the woman get up out of her chair and stood next to her husband and leaned down to kiss him on the lips. Megan than watched the woman walk back down the stairs and she walked right past them on her way the restroom. Megan looked over toward Robert and said. “I’m going to find out who she is.” Megan excused herself as she got up and walked back to the ladies room and saw the woman touching up her makeup. Megan walked up next to the woman and said. “I saw you walk in with that handsome guy and thought he had done some accounting for our company in the past. Is his name John by any chance?” ...
    ... The woman responded as she applied her lipstick and said. “No. He’s my boyfriend and his name isn’t John. Sorry.” Megan could have choked the woman as she stood in front of that mirror. She at least wanted to ask her more about, “Her boyfriend” but decided to wait. Megan replied and said. “Sorry. I must have mistaken him for someone else.” Megan than said. “I’m Megan and I work for Smith Insurance on the other end of town and I didn’t get your name?” The blonde woman stopped what she was doing and looked back at Megan and said. “Sue.” Megan was determined to learn more about her and asked. “Do you work around here?” Sue looked over at Megan again and hesitated before saying. “We work together across the street.” Megan pushed it further to the edge and said. “I bet that guy is hot in bed?” Sue looked over at Megan but didn’t respond to her question when Megan turned to walk out and with a smirk said. “Good luck.” Megan walked back out and sat with Robert and looked up at where her husband was sitting and saw he dialing his cell phone. Just a few second later, Megan’s cell phone rang and Megan picked it up and looked over at Robert and said. “It’s my husband.” Megan answered her phone and said. “Hello.” Rick said “Honey. I’ll be working late again tonight, you may just want to eat without me tonight and I’ll see you when I get home.” Megan replied. “Oh. Are you meeting with clients again?” Rick said. “Yes. I’m with one of them right now and have to go.” Megan responded and said. ...