1. We hate clothes - part 02

    Date: 12/31/2016, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Male/Teen Female Written by women Young Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... facing the people walking one way along the path; and the other so that it was facing the people facing the other way. For a split second I didn’t know what she was doing but as it dawned on me giggled and said, “Good thinking sis.” We sat on the front edge of the chairs and opened our knees quite wide; so wide that I felt the warm air as my vulva parted. It took ages to eat those ice creams and the cola was almost flat by the time we’d finished it. During that time we’d had 7 people stare at our pussies and one man went passed us 3 times. I felt like telling him to get his camera out and take some photographs. Two of the 7 were girls a bit older than us. They were walking with arms linked and the one who saw our pussies first stopped dead and stared. Her mate cursed her at first but as soon as her mate pointed to us she grinned and said, “Little sluts; that’s my trick.” We were enjoying ourselves flashing at people going by so I went and got us some more drinks and ice creams. When I got back to Jude she told me to look at the geek (typical geek, too many clothes and thick black rimmed glasses) stood at the edge of the road. I took a quick glance then sat on the edge of my chair. “He’s been there since you left to get the drinks.” “He’s not doing any harm and he must like what he’s looking at if he’s been there that long. Tell you what;” I turned to look at the youth and shouted, “Hey you, you with the glasses, come over here.” The geek looked around and seeing no one he ...
    ... pointed to his chest. “Yes you, come here.” He slowly walked over to us. “Like what you see?” I asked. “You haven’t got any clothes on.” “Very observant.” Jude said. “Have you got a camera?” I asked. “Er yeah,” he said as his hand went into his pocket. “It’s the latest iphone, it’s got blah, blah, blah.” I wasn’t listening to all that crap and I interrupted him saying, “But has it got a camera?” “Yes.” “Right, come here and take a few selfies with us.” He came and squat next to me and took one selfie then did the same with Jude. I stood up and steered him into the chair then I waved for Jude to come over. We squat either side of him and leaned in to him for another selfie. Then I took the phone off him, gave it to Jude and I sat on his lap. Just as Jude was about to take the photograph I opened my legs so that my pussy was on display, and lifted one of his hands and put it on my tit. His hand was all hot and sweaty. Jude and I swapped places and I took another photo. Before Jude could get up I moved in and took a close-up of her pussy; which by that time was glistening. Then I sat on the front edge of Jude’s chair, opened my legs and took a selfie of my wet and swollen pussy. After that I stood up and told the geek to stand up. Then I told him to run home to mummy. He turned and walked off and it looked like he was scrolling through the pictures as he went. “That’s given him enough wanking material for the next 6 months.” I said. We laughed and sat down to eat our ice creams and ...