1. Ty & Cinda--A Tale of Forbidden Love-Part 3

    Date: 12/6/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Oral Sex Romance Teen Male/Teen Female Author: senorlongo, Source: sexstories.com

    ... door I leaned out to greet Fred. His tail wagged wildly as he pushed his head into my hands. “Think he’s glad to see me?” Cinda responded with a warm smile. “He won’t bite me, will he?” “Never,” I replied as I walked around the truck and opened the door for Cinda, taking her left hand in my right. “Fred…protect.” Fred couldn’t do any tricks other than sit and stay and fetch, but he was very protective of my family and I’d trained him to protect us on command. He was a big dog, a black Lab-mix with a white blaze on his chest, weighing more than ninety pounds. He nuzzled Cinda’s hand as she bent over to pet him and rub his ears. She smiled as Fred’s tail wagged yet again. We walked together toward my mother, Fred trailing closely behind. “Oh…hello Cinda.” We reached Mom just as my father emerged from the barn. He came to stand by Mom as she introduced Cinda. “Todd, this is Cinda…Lucinda Oates, Ty’s girlfriend.” “Gee, Mom I’ve been here all of thirty seconds and you’ve already made three mistakes. I’m not home; we’re only visiting. Her name isn’t Cinda Oates; it’s Cinda Feldner. She’s not my girlfriend; she’s my wife. We were married in her church yesterday morning. Ask Grandma; she was there.” I held my left hand and Cinda’s to show our rings. The validated Marriage Certificate would be sent in another week or so. “Why didn’t you tell us, Ty?” “Let’s be honest, Dad—you would have flown down there and spent the entire time trying to talk me out of it. How long have I been ...
    ... telling you that I was in love with Cinda—almost six months for you, Mom and ever since I returned for you, Dad. You heard me—you’d have to be deaf not to, but you never listened.” I saw Dad look at Mom and she nodded. “You’re right, Ty. We should have been more considerate. You did tell us almost every day and we should know what kind of person you are. You’re not the kind to make rash decisions. I know I speak for your mother, too—we’re both very sorry.” “Um, Cinda dear--would you come with me for a minute or so? I’d like to show you something.” Mom took Cinda’s hand and led her off to the barn. They had just disappeared when Dad spoke again. I was petting Fred’s throat. “I can understand why you’re smitten, Ty. She is a very beautiful young woman.” “Yes, she is, Dad, but that’s not why I fell in love with her.” I went on to tell the story of how we had met and, as I did, I could see Dad understand. “She is beautiful, but probably ninety percent of her beauty is inside her. She’s a totally selfless person. We stayed the last five days with Grandma; she really loves her, too. You’ll see once you get to know her.” I heard her then, “Oh, I love it; it’s great.” She appeared in the window waving at me. “Ty, come up. You need to see this!” “C’mon, Ty; I’ll show you what your mother and I have been up to.” I walked with Dad into the barn and up the stairs to the loft. I recalled playing up here in the hay on many occasions. Now it had all changed. The bare walls now had sheetrock over ...