1. My first time watching wife do a black gangbang

    Date: 11/12/2016, Categories: Group Sex Interracial Sex, Voyeur, Author: kristi4bbcfun, Source: xHamster

    ... began to dress. The men soon afterwards got out and dried off. Kristi was having a lot of trouble getting the dress on over her wet underwear. One fellow helped Kristi by tugging on the dress to get it into place. I could now hear their conversation better. She was telling one of the guys about some wine she had back at her room. I suddenly realized that she had invited one and maybe all of these guys to our room. Sure enough, they all followed my wife as she walked, swiveling her hips, to our room. As Kristi walked my way, I moved behind a snack machine to avoid being seen. She glanced my way briefly as she glided past. The four black studs didn't notice when she gave me a look that said, "I told you so!" Kristi was some sight. Her skirt had a wet spot at the crotch that looked as though she had wet herself. Her nipples were visible through the wet material of her bra and dress. It hadn't taken long for the wet bra and panties to soak through the white dress rendering it nearly transparent. Kristi didn't seem to mind at all. She smiled at the stud who held the door open for her. His eyes locked on Kristi's substantial cleavage. She, at the same time, noticed the sizable tent growing in his swim trunks. A tent started growing in my pants when she involuntarily licked her lips. They went down the hall to our room that was on the ground floor near a small court yard. The room had a patio on the court yard and I headed for it. When first arriving at the hotel, I had closed the ...
    ... curtains. Unfortunately, I couldn't get them completely shut. I was now grateful for the crack that gave me full view of our room. I had just settled into the deck chair when the light went on in the room and in walked Kristi and her four new friends. I was thankful for the cheap construction of the room that allowed me to hear the conversation inside. Kristi pitched her purse and keys on the dresser and stretched her arms high in the air. I knew she was tense because she always stretches like that when she's tense. I figured she was beginning to get uptight and would soon ask these guys to leave, after successfully proving her point to me. After a time, one of the guys said, "You promised us some wine, Baby." She smiled and said, "I am so sorry. I did promise you some wine." She pulled the wine out of the ice bucket that we set up earlier and poured five glasses of wine. Kristi apologized for the plastic hotel glasses but these guys didn't care. I suspected they were hoping that Kristi would get a little tipsy from the wine. Little did they know that she had already had several glasses of wine at the bar and that wine affects her quickly because she does not drink often. She was also hot from our interrupted session in the garden. One of the men, who answered to Sly, turned on the boom box that he brought along. It played an upbeat tune. Another man whom they called Hose said, "They were playing that tune at the club tonight." Kristi asked, "What club is that?" Hose answered, ...